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   Cash On Delivery is Available

No less than 29 terrorists killed over previous month: ISPR

Twenty-nine terrorists have been efficiently neutralized by the safety forces in previous one month as results of efficient engagements and operations in Sambaza space of Zhob District in Balochistan.

In response to ISPR, Pakistan has witnessed a surge in terrorist incidents orchestrated from Afghan soil, whereby, terrorists from Afghanistan try and infiltrate by Pakistan-Afghanistan Border and goal Safety Forces in addition to the harmless civilians.

On this context, along with different areas alongside Pakistan-Afghanistan border, safety forces are conducting operations basically space Sambaza in Zhob District of Balochistan since 21 of final month.

The ISPR mentioned in the identical collection of operations, throughout an intelligence-based operation on 14th of this month, Main Babar Khan additionally embraced Shahadat whereas preventing gallantly.

The safety forces are decided and stay dedicated to safe the borders and guarantee security of its residents towards the scourge of terrorism.

Pakistan has persistently been asking interim Afghan Authorities to make sure efficient border administration on their aspect of border.

The interim Afghan Authorities is anticipated to meet its obligations and deny the usage of Afghan Soil by terrorists for perpetuating acts of terrorism towards Pakistan.