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Govt takes discover of decision handed by US Home of Representatives on Pakistan, NA advised

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ishaq Dar
The Nationwide Meeting has authorised two calls for for grants pertaining to the Overseas Affairs Division.

Reduce motions moved by the opposition members on these calls for for grants had been rejected by the home.

Winding up dialogue on the minimize motions, Deputy Prime Minister and Overseas Minister Ishaq Dar mentioned the federal government has taken discover of the decision handed by the US Home of Representatives on Pakistan.

He mentioned the federal government can even cross a decision in response to the US’s decision and the draft decision will likely be shared with the opposition and treasury benches. He requested the treasury and the opposition benches to should present sovereignty and unity.

The Overseas Minister rejected the impression that Pakistan faces isolation on the worldwide stage.

He mentioned Pakistan has been elected non-permanent member of the UN Safety Council, which reveals the arrogance of the worldwide neighborhood on Pakistan.

He mentioned the discussion board will likely be successfully used to lift the Kashmir dispute and the state of affairs in Gaza.

The Overseas Minister mentioned relations with Afghanistan are on the precedence agenda of the federal government. He mentioned the federal government is in touch with Afghanistan and dates are additionally being labored out for his go to to Kabul.

Ishaq Dar mentioned the federal government is pursuing the coverage of financial diplomacy as it’s the method ahead to place the nation on the expansion trajectory. He mentioned Pakistan has the potential to come back out of the troublesome financial state of affairs.