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Methods to maintain mosquitoes away and keep itch-free this summer time

How to keep mosquitoes away and stay itch-free this summer
Summer time is a vibrant season which brings alongside quite a lot of presents for individuals together with nice ones like scrumptious fruits to beat the warmth.

Nevertheless, it additionally brings alongside some dreadful presents which clearly embrace the scorching warmth and the infamous villain of individuals’s consolation and good well being, mosquitoes.

In line with the US Facilities for Illness Management and Prevention (CDC), mosquitoes can unfold ailments like malaria, dengue, West Nile virus, yellow fever, Zika and others.

Whereas the CDC has emphasised that such instances are usually uncommon in the US, it does not harm to learn to forestall such ailments from spreading and keep away from these irritating, itchy bites altogether.

So how will you obtain a scratch-free summer time? Right here’s an inventory of suggestions advisable by the CDC.

Mosquito repellent

The CDC recommends utilizing an Environmental Safety Company (EPA)-registered repellent as they’re confirmed secure and efficient, even for pregnant and breastfeeding ladies.

Mother and father should keep in mind to at all times observe label directions when utilizing repellents on their kids and keep away from making use of repellent to a baby’s palms, eyes, mouth, cuts, or irritated pores and skin.

Adults should apply repellent to their palms earlier than making use of to a baby’s face.

Pure repellents are another choice for individuals attempting to maintain mosquitoes at bay, however the CDC does warn that non-EPA-registered merchandise haven’t been evaluated for his or her effectiveness.

Utilise garments to maintain mosquitoes at bay

The CDC recommends mother and father outfit their kids in clothes that covers their legs and arms, whereas infants and toddlers in strollers and carriers ought to be shielded with mosquito netting.

In the meantime, adults also needs to attempt to put on loose-fitting, long-sleeved shirts and pants.