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In name with Iran’s prime common, COAS provides condolences over Raisi’s demise

Army Chief General Syed Asim Munir, General Mohammad Bagheri
Military Chief Basic Syed Asim Munir has prolonged deep condolences with Iranian navy management over the unhappy demise of President Ebrahim Raisi, International Minister Amir Abdollahain and different necessary officers.

In a phone name with Chief of Basic Employees of Iranian Armed Forces Main Basic Mohammad Bagheri right this moment, he expressed deep grief over the unhappy and unlucky incident of helicopter crash on Sunday final which led to demise of the Iranian President, the International Minister and different excessive officers.

The Military Chief expressed that Late President Ebrahim Raisi and Late International Minister Amir Abdollahian had been distinctive leaders and true associates of Pakistan.

He highlighted that lack of each the leaders and others was really tragic and irreparable.

Basic Syed Asim Munir on behalf of all ranks of Pakistan Military prolonged prayers for the departed souls and properly needs for the bereaved households.

He mentioned Pakistan has historic, cultural and brotherly ties with Iran and the Armed Forces of each the international locations have all the time stood collectively.

Main Basic Mohammad Bagheri thanked the Military Chief for sharing grief and vowed to proceed the cooperation between the 2 militaries.