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Is milk good for zits?

Is milk good for acne?
Received milk? It does a physique good — at the very least that is what we have been instructed. However on the subject of zits, that might not be the case.

Pimples impacts 98 p.c of individuals between the ages of 16 and 18, however research present that limiting the consumption of milk and different dairy merchandise could assist maintain breakouts underneath management — particularly in youngsters.

Dad and mom usually encourage their youngsters to drink milk — in any case, it is excessive in calcium, which promotes wholesome bone growth. Nevertheless, milk can be excessive in hormones, and a 1996 examine discovered a hyperlink between these hormones and teenage zits. Milk accommodates hormones as a result of milk-producing cows are nearly at all times pregnant. On prime of that, many cows are injected with progress hormones regularly to allow them to produce bigger quantities of milk.

Teenagers are already liable to zits due to adjustments of their hormones that occur throughout puberty — these adjustments are one of many main causes of zits. Including hormone-saturated milk to the combo could make breakouts much more possible. Milk can be excessive in sugar and fats — two elements which will irritate zits.

There are numerous deceptive myths that sure meals — reminiscent of chocolate, peanuts and greasy meals — trigger zits. However to date, milk and dairy merchandise are the one meals which have been linked to breakouts