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Chuckle so that you don’t cry: The most effective tweets from tonight’s debate

Relating to that current unpleasantness, would possibly it’s greatest to by no means converse of it? To banish perpetually from our reminiscences Donald Trump’s normal chicanery and President Joe Biden’s uncommon doddering?

With pundits already gnawing on poor Uncle Joe’s bones, we’re in all probability going to have to deal with the deathbed rasp that was Biden’s debate voice and doubtlessly the state of his marketing campaign after a traditionally not-great displaying.

Not less than the web was humorous about it. Listed below are one of the best tweets we discovered to distract from an impending sense of doom. Yuk it up, and do not forget that issues typically look quite a bit totally different within the morning.

The publish Laugh so you don’t cry: The best tweets from tonight’s debate appeared first on Arkansas Times.