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Petition filed in opposition to cricket staff’s poor efficiency in T20 World Cup

Pakistan Cricket team
A lawyer in Gujranwala has filed a petition in court docket, in search of authorized motion in opposition to the poor efficiency of the nationwide cricket staff.

The petition, filed within the court docket of the district and periods decide beneath sections 22A and 22B of the Pakistan Penal Code, names all gamers, together with captain Babar Azam, staff administration, and the coach, as events.

The petitioner expressed deep concern over the disappointing efficiency of the nationwide cricket staff, calling it a waste of cash and a betrayal of the nation’s belief. The petition accuses the staff of placing at stake tens of millions of rupees and the integrity of the nation, alleging that the gamers and staff administration prioritized monetary achieve over the nation’s honour.

Moreover, the petition highlights the extreme harm prompted to the emotions of the folks throughout matches in opposition to America and India, citing these performances as notably egregious. It requires a ban on the staff till an intensive inquiry is carried out by the inside secretary and a complete report is accomplished.

The petitioner additionally criticizes the interference of political figures within the staff’s affairs, suggesting that at any time when political appointments are made as coaches and chairmen, it results in the staff’s downfall.

In response to the petition, the court docket has directed the police to answer by June 21.