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Reform UK activists filmed making vile racist and homophobic feedback

Activists for Reform have been recorded making extraordinarily offensive slurs whereas campaigning for Nigel Farage in Clacton. 

Undercover footage taken from a Channel 4 investigation reveals one Reform member, Andrew Parker, calling Rishi Sunak a “f**king p**i”. He additionally means that small boats coming throughout the English channel needs to be used as “goal apply” on migrants.

Parker goes on to name Islam “a cult” and mentioned, “we’re f**king kicking all of the Muslims out of the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoon’s.” 

His disturbing, racist feedback had been recorded whereas the rightwing activist was out canvassing in Clacton for Farage, the place the Reform chief is presently favorite to grow to be the MP. 

One other campaigner from Farage’s interior circle known as George Jones was secretly filmed by the channel making vile homophobic feedback. After seeing a police automobile going previous with a Pleasure flag, the longtime activist known as the flag “degenerate” and LGBT folks “nonces”. 

He went on, “our law enforcement officials will likely be paramilitaries, they gained’t be police,” and mentioned the occasion ought to “carry again the noose”.

In June, a Reform UK candidate said the UK ‘ought to have been impartial on Hitler’ whereas Reform candidate Raymond Saint was lately dropped after it was revealed he was a BNP member. Whereas one other Reform candidate, Leslie Lilley, reportedly mentioned he would ‘slaughter’ migrants arriving on boats.

Nigel Farage mentioned he was “dismayed” by the racist and homophobic feedback, as he has tried to distance himself from the candidates. But it surely marks the most recent in a collection of offensive and excessive views coming from his occasion.

Hannah Davenport is information reporter at Left Foot Ahead

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