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Suella Braverman ridiculed for cringeworthy marketing campaign video

Suella Braverman has been significantly ridiculed after viewers had been left cringing over a TikTok video she launched for her common election marketing campaign.

In an try and win over younger Conservative voters, the Tory candidate for Fareham and Waterlooville posted a weird TikTok video, as this election has seen politicians seeking to interact with the youthful era of social media customers. 

The previous House Secretary makes an attempt to mime an audio clip from a viral TikTok video saying “I’ve a query for everyone, who desires to go to the 4 seasons Orlando” earlier than she’s filmed with Tory campaigners holding placards as she struts down a street, and the video ends with a clip of the union jack flag. 

The reactions have been quite a few and brutal, with cringed out viewers dubbing it a automotive crash marketing campaign video, probably the worst of the election thus far. 

One X person stated: “I really feel a extreme cringe once I see Tories creeping like this for the younger vote. Particularly whereas they’re pushing conscription. What do they take our younger folks for?”

TV persona Carol Vorderman questioned: “Worst promo video of the election thus far ? Suella Braverman tries to get down wiv the Tory kidz.”

One other social media said: “Expensive Politicians. Sure TikTok is a platform the “younger folks” are utilizing, however this doesn’t imply that it’s best to get Barbara out of your native affiliation to create ‘banging content material’ in your marketing campaign as a result of she’s “seen how her granddaughter TikToks””

One other person wrote on X: “Suella Braverman takes a break from her tradition wars and from dehumanising migrants and protestors to “get down with the youngsters” in her new marketing campaign. These individuals are an utter mess.”

One other commented: “I’ve actually seen all of it now.”

(Picture credit score: X screenshot)

Hannah Davenport is information reporter at Left Foot Ahead

The publish Suella Braverman ridiculed for cringeworthy campaign video appeared first on Left Foot Forward: Leading the UK's progressive debate.