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Tory MP given brutal actuality examine forward of election on BBC Query Time

An viewers member on BBC Query Time has been extensively praised for providing a brutal takedown to a Tory Minister about his get together’s prospects on the basic election.

The Conservative MP for Sherwood, Mark Spencer, obtained destroyed through the panel present when the person from Coventry tore aside the Tory Occasion’s legacy after 14 years in energy, earlier than providing him a actuality examine. 

It appeared his views had been extensively shared, because the viewers member, referred to as Kam on X, wrote a message on social media after the present saying he was “a bit overwhelmed” by all of the “good messages” he had acquired following his speech. 

The viewers member from Coventry first suggested Spencer to “learn the room”, earlier than he advised how the UK basic election was going to pan out for the Conservatives. 

He mentioned: “Mark, I believe you want to learn the room a bit. While you mentioned you delivered for the nation and that the economic system has turned the nook, folks round right here laughed at you as a result of no-one is feeling it.

“You already know, you’re taking a stroll now by means of Coventry metropolis centre, it’s modified. I imply, persons are having to decide on between heating their properties and feeding their youngsters, the NHS is on its knees, knife crime and youth violence is rising everywhere in the nation.

“Your get together has allow us to down over the previous 14 years. You’re gonna lose, you’re gonna lose terribly and also you’re gonna should lose.”

His speech was adopted by an applause from the viewers.

In response, Mark Spencer acknowledged that the nation has confronted “big challenges”, earlier than noting international points such because the battle in Ukraine in addition to the Covid pandemic, which he mentioned had contributed to lengthy NHS ready lists. 

The Tory MP went on to argue that the economic system was beginning to “flip a nook” and enhance. 

Social media customers praised Kam for his phrases, together with Unfastened Girls broadcaster Denise Welch, who wrote on X, “I’m overseas simply studying about you!! Nicely carried out sir”.

One other X person said: “Completely nailed what lots of people assume! Thanks!”

This week’s programme was held in Coventry, the panellists had been; Mark Spencer MP, Labour Shadow Training Secretary Bridget Phillipson MP, Deputy Chief of the Liberal Democrats, Daisy Cooper MP, and Conservative commentator Tim Montgomerie.

(Picture credit score: BBC Query Time screenshot)

Hannah Davenport is information reporter at Left Foot Ahead

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