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Union says employees at Morrisons are being ‘fleeced’ by pension adjustments

Following strikes at Asda and Amazon shops in current months over pay and circumstances, nearly 1,000 employees at Morrisons warehouses in Cheshire and West Yorkshire are on a 72-hour strike over a row a couple of reduce in firm pensions.

At the beginning of this monetary yr, Morrisons moved to a brand new coverage the place it and its workers each paid 4 p.c into the pension pot, as an alternative of the earlier 5 p.c and three p.c break up.

Canteen employees, directors, inventory controllers, and cooks, who earn between £12 and £13 an hour, say that the grocery store’s plan to scale back how a lot they contribute to workers’ pensions will see them lose a median of £500 a yr.

In January, Morrisons reported a jump in profits, because it delivered its sixth consecutive quarter of like-for-like enchancment.

The commerce union Unite, which represents Morrisons employees, says the grocery store has “refused to barter” over adjustments to the pensions and different perks of its members.

Sharon Graham, basic secretary of Unite, accused the grocery store of “planning to fleece employees.

“These unmerited adjustments to employees’ pensions will go away our members worse off each month. Unite won’t stand for such behaviour from any employer, not to mention one like Morrisons who’s raking in large earnings throughout a price of residing disaster,” mentioned Graham

The grocery store mentioned it will finally pay extra into the pensions of employees as a result of authorities’s deliberate adjustments to pension auto-enrolment guidelines. In addition they mentioned that the dip in pension contributions could be greater than offset by the provided pay rise of 9 p.c.

Presently, employees who earn lower than £10,000 a yr will not be routinely enrolled on a pension scheme and firms shouldn’t have to pay contributions on earnings beneath £6,240. The federal government has nonetheless mentioned these limits will likely be ended, and all employees could need to be enrolled. However a timeframe for the brand new guidelines has not been set and the result of a session won’t be reported till the autumn, which is able to then be thought-about by the brand new authorities.

The strike motion on the Morrisons warehouses started at 5am on Might 23 and can run till 5am on Might 26.

Morrissons says they’ve made a variety of new proposals to Unite, together with a 9 p.c pay award, a brand new service award scheme, and enhancements to the deliberate future pension scheme adjustments.

“Disappointingly, Unite has chosen to reject these new proposals with out placing them to its members, and as an alternative are persevering with with strike motion at two out of our seven logistics websites, initially over three days,” mentioned an organization spokesperson.

Picture credit score: Creative Commons – Brad 28

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