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World’s first head transplant system unveiled

World’s first head transplant system unveiled
Neuroscience and biomedical engineering startup BrainBridge has introduced its bold objective to develop the world’s first head transplant system.

The corporate, which had been working in stealth mode, revealed that it’s integrating superior robotics and synthetic intelligence to execute full head and face transplantation procedures, an idea harking back to science fiction however now inching nearer to actuality.

BrainBridge’s pioneering know-how goals to supply new hope to sufferers affected by untreatable situations resembling stage-4 most cancers, paralysis, and neurodegenerative illnesses like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The process includes transplanting a affected person’s head onto a wholesome, brain-dead donor physique, with the intention of preserving consciousness, reminiscences, and cognitive talents.

The corporate plans to make use of high-speed robotic techniques to stop mind cell degradation and guarantee seamless compatibility between the transplanted head and donor physique. Actual-time molecular-level imaging and superior AI algorithms will information the exact reconnection of the spinal twine, nerves, and blood vessels.

BrainBridge’s built-in robotics platform options two autonomous surgical robots designed to carry out simultaneous surgical procedures on two our bodies inside a single setup. The corporate’s proprietary chemical adhesive, polyethylene glycol, will assist in reconnecting severed neurons. Moreover, a specialised implant positioned within the epidural house behind the backbone will promote neuron restore, enabling the affected person’s mind to kind neural connections with the brand new physique. The BCI-equipped BrainBridge Head Band will enable sufferers to speak their wants throughout restoration.

Scientific foundations and future plans

“Each step of the BrainBridge idea has been rigorously thought out primarily based on in depth scientific analysis,” mentioned Hashem Al-Ghaili, undertaking lead at BrainBridge. “Our objective is to push the boundaries of medical science and supply revolutionary options for these battling life-threatening situations.”

Exiting stealth mode, BrainBridge goals to draw high expertise in science and engineering to beat upcoming challenges and convey this life-changing know-how to sufferers. The corporate is at the moment targeted on refining its preliminary idea by means of complete feasibility research utilizing superior AI-powered simulation fashions. These simulations will assist refine the surgical course of, predict outcomes, and optimize affected person restoration protocols.

Al-Ghaili shared that if the feasibility research yield promising outcomes and the group is totally assembled, the roadmap to conducting the primary surgical procedure could possibly be realized inside eight years.