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YouTuber Rahim Pardesi injured in assault

Rahim Pardesi
Rahim Pardesi aka Nasreen, the famend Pakistani YouTuber, actor, singer, and comic, shocked his followers with a distressing Instagram replace.

Identified for his humorous movies wearing girls’s garments, Rahim’s newest publish revealed a extra severe facet of his life.

On his Instagram story, Rahim shared an image displaying himself in a raveled state with a torn shirt and a visual head damage. This alarming picture was accompanied by a caption indicating that he had been attacked.

Later, Rahim elaborated on the incident in a follow-up publish, explaining that he was assaulted by a bunch of drunk people. “I used to be attacked by some drunk goons and fortunately, I used to be not significantly damage,” he wrote. He assured his followers that the culprits can be apprehended quickly and vowed to deal with the state of affairs professionally.

He expressed gratitude to his followers for his or her help and prayers, saying, “Thanks on your help and keep in mind me in your prayers.” This incident has led to an outpouring of sympathy from social media customers, who’ve been expressing their concern and well-wishes for the comic.

The YouTuber Rahim Pardesi has a major following and is well-known for sharing features of his private life on social media. He beforehand revealed on his YouTube channel that he has two wives and is fortunately managing his household life. He has three kids together with his first spouse, Sameera, and his second spouse, Soumya Raham, is a physician by career.